Blood Glucose Diary

21 posts, 5 contributors

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Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
14 posts
[Shared diary only visible when logged in]

Hi just wondering is anyone having problems with blood sugar levels. Mine are out of target most of the time even though I would eat pretty much the same food Mon-Fri. Does anyone find that stress increases their blood sugars?

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

Stress can definelty contribute to higher blood sugars...........

There are some discrepencies in your rsults though that I will mention......

You seem to be on a 3:1 ratio everytime you eat, this infact might be right but my first thoughts are that your background insulin needs to be evaluated, this background dose is quite high as well.............I think that splitting your background would be a good option to give you even coverage throughout the day.......with an insulin like Levemir and Humilin I.

Another thing I noticed is that you ALMOST never seem to correct at meal times, only inbetween your meals.

You seem to be correcting your reading in the morning then again 2 hours later, normally that could cause hypo......

With exception to your morning reading, you shouldnt need to test inbetween each meal sitting, unless you feel unwell or are investigating something, which is obvious you are, being quite high.

I really think the first thing to check is your BI, I suspect its not lasting much longer than half the day.......

If you can get this split down the middle, a morning and evening dose then I think you will start to see good results......

Have you done a DAFNE course, it doesnt say next to your name......


Simon Site Administrator
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
578 posts

Hi, moved to General Discussion forum.

Mark2 DAFNE Graduate
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital
23 posts

Maura - I agree with Novorapiboi - your readings are high enough that it does look like might need more Background insulin. I also agree that it might be better to split your doses, you are getting your highest readings at night.

For example you had a much better readings on Tuesday 17 than you did on Thursday 12. The variations that you see could be caused by many things. Stress, damaged injection sites - or just high blood sugars putting your body under stress. Are you making sure that you are always injecting your BI correctly in different places, and not into muscle? Illness also causes them to be higher - are you ill in some other way at the moment?

NiVZ DAFNE Graduate
NHS Grampian
82 posts

Hi Maura,

Here's my take on your figures.

Your 3:1 ratio during the day seems to be keeping you pretty level (even if it's high it's still not going up or down too much), but you seem to creep up after supper.

You might want to think about increasing your evening meal ratio. Or perhaps your background insulin isn't quite lasting 24 hours and is running out which is causing the increase before bed. If thats the case then a couple of extra units of BI or split dosing might be better.

Just my opinion.


Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
14 posts

Many thanks Mark2 & NiVZ for your address. Going to split my night injection to start with. NiVZ I thought according to Dafne guidance 3:1 was the highest ratio to be on, because I thought I should possibly be on a higher ratio.

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

4:1 is the highest I have seen, but ideally you want a larger BI so then its just small amounts of QA..........

Mark2 DAFNE Graduate
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital
23 posts

The interesting thing is that DAFNE points out that the ratio of total QA to BI taken in a day - is roughly 50/50 as a guideline (although there a lot of flexibility in this general guideline for most people). You are taking more than twice as much Background Insulin in a day than you are taking Quick Acting.

This may be right for you I guess, but would suggest some other medical factor that is playing a part in your choice of regime. It may be for example that you have insulin resistance, that would mean that you need more overall than most people

Obviously what you don't want to do is take too much BI putting you into hypo. But some trip to see a specialist or go on DAFNE, might be a good recommendation for you Maura

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
14 posts

Hi Mark2, Iv been on Dafne just cannot enter it on the login for some reason. Started to split long acting insulin from last nite. Will see how it goes today, although got up with a BG of 16.9 this morning.
I think myself I may be insulin resistant, on the Dafne course I was on the highest ration and the highest amount of insulin!! feel like a dafne failure rather than dafne graduate lol!!

Mark2 DAFNE Graduate
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital
23 posts

Don't worry about it. My DAFNE week was also a disaster from the blood sugar point of view, for some reason. I had blazingly high sugars all week which I couldn't explain. So the week itself I learned nothing in practice about my own control at all. After much work, an a fair amount of experimentation, its cleared up since then. Just stick at it, and I'm sure you will find a regime and a solution.