Protein Supplements

4 posts, 3 contributors

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Simon Site Administrator
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
578 posts

One question I've always had, which isn't strictly DAFNE Related but more focused on Diabetes in general is - what is the HCP/Dietician point of view on Sports Supplements such as Protein & Creatine?

Whilst at university I was quite heavily into weightlifting + used things like protein shakes & bars to up my daily protein intake as that was touted as the major nutrient related to muscle growth + repair. Then I found out I had Type 1 and the weightlifting stopped for a while. I've started getting back into it now - but have refrained from the use of protein supplements as someone mentioned 'they will put increased strain on my kidneys' - it this true, and if so what are the alternatives for people with Type 1.

Also, whilst on the subject of gyms, I recently joined a new gym and during the induction was told that I wasn't allowed to use the Power Plate machine as I had Diabetes - does anyone know of the reason for this?



marke Site Administrator
South East Kent PCT
675 posts

Hmm, interesting question. I would be interested what the body does with 'excess' protein. If you take protein supplements which contain more than you need does it get explelled in 'ahem' bodily waste ? I know that one of your 'tests' that is done along with Hba1c is protein in the urine as its an indicator of potential complications. If you had protein because of supplements could this cause false readings I wonder ?

With regard to Gym's my experience is they often are not aware of Diabetes at all. One tried to tell me I couldn't do this that and the other because of my diabetes. I'm ashamed to say, I didn't tell the last one I was diabetic to avoid complications. I now just enjoy natures bounty on
my bicycle and save my Gym fees, well we are in a recession ;^)

Simon Site Administrator
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
578 posts

Good points there - I was more wondering if the 'excess' protein intake causes the kidneys to work harder and may cause them to fail somehow. (This may be totally untrue, hence why I work in IT and not medicine...)

Simon Heller DAFNE HCP
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
46 posts

Excess protein supplements are generally excreted without causing any real harm. However, in people who have developed kidney damage there is evidence that high protein diets can increase the amount of protein leaking from the kidneys and perhaps increase the rate of deterioration in kidney function, so probably best avoided. Simon H