blended fruit

3 posts, 3 contributors

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tweety DAFNE Graduate
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
13 posts

Hi every1, i was wondering, as i dont each much fruit n veg i thought i'd start blending them but i'm unsure if i would count them as they should be counted eaten as solids? Hope some1 out there understands what i'm tryin to ask and can help x

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

The carbohydrate values of the fruit and vegetables will still remain the same even if you blend them, what may change in the speed at which that glucose from the carbohydrate is released into the blood stream, in this case they may effect your blood glucose levels quicker..............

So my answer would be yes, you do still count them.....

You do realize they will taste the same, is is the raw, natural form of fruit and veg that bothers you.....?

Alan 49 DAFNE Graduate
Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
284 posts

I don't know much about blending, but I would have thought that just churning things up makes no difference to the carb contents of the constituents. If you put a couple of apples (1 CP each) and a banana (2 CPs) in a blender, you're going to get something that has 4 CPs.