Carb Counting

5 posts, 4 contributors

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mum2westiesGill 502 posts

Have I counted these correctly?

Jacobs cornish wafers x4
- 4.8g cho ech = 19.2g = 2 cps

Treat size biscuits x2
- 13.7g cho ech = 27.4g = 2 cps (or maybe 3 cps?)

Garry DAFNE Graduate
North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
328 posts

Jacobs good. You are right. If it is 15g or more - we normally 'round it up' to 20g CHO or 2 cp. If it is less than 15g - say 14.9g we normally 'round it down' to 10g CHO or 1 cp.

Treat biscuits...much nearer 3. If it is 25g or more - we normally 'round it up' to 30g CHO or 3 cp. If it is less than 25g - say 24.9g we normally 'round it down' to 20g CHO or 2 cp.


mum2westiesGill 502 posts

Garry said:
Jacobs good. You are right. If it is 15g or more - we normally 'round it up' to 20g CHO or 2 cp. If it is less than 15g - say 14.9g we normally 'round it down' to 10g CHO or 1 cp.

Treat biscuits...much nearer 3. If it is 25g or more - we normally 'round it up' to 30g CHO or 3 cp. If it is less than 25g - say 24.9g we normally 'round it down' to 20g CHO or 2 cp.


Thank you Garry Very Happy I'm such a "doubting thomas" always doubting myself

RSehmi1 DAFNE Graduate
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
1 post

Hi people, iv got a quick question. Anybody been to the ODEON cinema lately? Ever had a TANGO ICE BLAST from there? Its basically a slush puppy that comes in 3 different sizes, but i was wondering if anybody had an idea of the carbs in a slushy?

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

Welcome to the forum...... Very Happy

My Fitness Pal website states that 100ml of the stuff contains 13g of carbs, and a nice 54 calories....

I think a medium one is about 445ml, so between 50 and 60 grams of carbs, depending on the flavour.....

a quick Google should help you out if your going to be having them on a regular basis......