Carb free

6 posts, 4 contributors

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Gemsa DAFNE Graduate
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
20 posts

Can anyone share any exciting carb free meals? I keep trying to do fasting bloods to test my BI but we don't often have eggs in the house and looking through the cupboards most things have carbs in them. I'm struggling with finding food to eat that is mentally making me feel like I've eaten a meal. Any suggestions?

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

All I use is eggs, meat and cheese when doing carb free testing..........

Cheesy omelets with bacon is a favorite.......

Its only for a few days so I dont mind just having that or similar.....

Could you get eggs? Its sounds as if having them is an issue.... Exclamation

Gemsa DAFNE Graduate
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
20 posts

My partner doesn't eat eggs so unless I am baking in bulk we don't have them in the house as we (I!) don't get through a box before they go off. If I know in advance I'm going to do a proper carb free time then I can go out and buy them, but if I decide last minute (a far too frequent habbit) its harder. So no, having eggs isn't an issue, just needs planning!

The bigger issue with eggs though... having had years of 'you must have carbs' drilled in, although yours does sound lovely, my stomach just looks at an omelette without a slice of bread and says "and, where's the rest?". A low carb meal just feels like an anorexic meal to me... (at the moment...) hence request for inspiration!!

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

I know what you mean, you can make really big omelettes though.....;)

annmarie bar... DAFNE Graduate
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
4 posts

what about homemade lentil soup,or some kind of salad, i love chicken caesar salad minus the crutons. Very Happy

krf DAFNE Graduate
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
10 posts

Although we cannot follow an Atkins diet for weight loss, their bars and sweets are really low in carbs and may help you