Carbohydrates help needed - ASDA Ready Sliced Tiger Chest

4 posts, 4 contributors

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mum2westiesGill 502 posts

How (without weighing) would you work out how many carbs are in each slice? The packet is one of those clear ones so does not have nutritional values on. I've got the carbs and cals book but it dosen't seem to have any bread like this in it

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

For me a medium sized slice, thats size, not slice thickness, is 20g or 2 units, so in your case and in mine as well as I had this bread recently I just used the same as I always do per slice which is 20g or 2 units.......

Using Google though it seems as though it may be closer to 15g or 1.5 units........

There is also a thread in DiabetesSupport here that discusss the carbs in an ASDA tiger chest...... : Smile

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
83 posts

Hi Whiskysmum,

As a rule of thumb, for most breads 100g contains around 4.5 CPs (45% if you can work with the maths), so best bet is to weigh a slice; if it's say 50g that would be 2 CPs


youone DAFNE Graduate
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
102 posts

whiskysmum said:
How (without weighing) would you work out how many carbs are in each slice? The packet is one of those clear ones so does not have nutritional values on. I've got the carbs and cals book but it dosen't seem to have any bread like this in it

When your at home weighting is the easy option if you know the gram value
The method I used before the smart phone apps appeared is this ,it might be of use to you
If your BI is set right and your used to carb free meals try this
Cut a slice of the tiger bread which you would normally eat
Take BG retain the reading done't take any QA re test 2 hours later that should be the highest reading and cross check after 4 hours if its constant compare the two readings what ever the correction is to bring it back to the reading 4 hours previous is the amount of CP the tiger bread was
If you weighted the bread you now have a value you can use.
Seems along about way of doing it but it worked for be.I still do this if I come across a food which isn't listed anywhere
Especially my mothers baking Very Happy