Carb Counting Conflicts?

3 posts, 3 contributors

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Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
6 posts

Hi- i have been using the DAFNE carb counting "book" from 2010/2011 and it states an apple weighing 120g is 1 carbohydrate portion. I have recently discovered the new version on this site and uploaded it to my phone - however, it now states a 100g apple is 1 carbohydrate portion.

I've noticed this with a few other foods- have i missed something? If i use the 120g weight is 1 CP for an apple it works fine for me. I'm still using 1CP = 10g CHO. I'm guessing the new one is more up to date...?

marke Site Administrator
South East Kent PCT
675 posts

Hi, yes the version on the site is now the latest one being issued to DAFNE graduates which is called 'version 9'. In this version the apple weight value was changed from 120g to 100g. Unfortunately I cannot tell you why this is, my part was to convert it to a form to be used on the site. I wasn't told why certain foods had their values changed. I would presume that generally 100g to 1CP is more consistent.
Remember its just a guide rather than a hard and fast rule. I will ask if there is anything that explains why values where changed and post it here if I am provided any information.

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

I personally just judge fruit by a general size of small, medium and large, with the CP value ranging between 1 and 2...........

this approach works well for me but it may not work for everyone I suppose..........