At the football

13 posts, 10 contributors

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Derek Brown DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
32 posts


Now the football season is underway I've bought a season ticket and will be going to at least all home games. In the past I haven't bothered with any of the refreshments on sale, only a diet soft drink but I can't help getting hungry every time I smell those pies, sausage rolls and hot dogs each week.

My question is what are the do's and don'ts regarding carrying a syringe, all be it a pen, and doing injections etc?

The toilets are definitely only good for washing your hands in, not for administering insulin. It's also a good family atmosphere and don't want to draw unwanted attention from other supporters or have a steward freak out.

I'm going to contact the club and ask how they would accommodate this but feel like I would be making a fuss, that's just the kind of person I am. What do you other diabetic footie fans do when they go cheer their team on a Saturday afternoon? Do you have major hassles when going to other grounds for away games for instance.


NiVZ DAFNE Graduate
NHS Grampian
82 posts


Not been to football for a while, but I carry my pen needles wherever I go, and never had any trouble getting into football grounds (home & away), nightclubs, concerts, etc or anywhere else that security might check you.

If any security ask I always declare up front that I'm carrying my insulin needles and have never had any problems.

As for the football, I personally wouldn't think twice about injecting in my seat but I appreciate others may want to find somewhere quieter to do it (although agree mens toilets at football grounds would be WAY down the list of most hygenic places)


novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

I agree NiVZ, there shouldnt be any problem with injecting where ever you are........

Just recognised you from another well none diabetic forum............

NiVZ DAFNE Graduate
NHS Grampian
82 posts

@novorapidboi26 - Busted, I use this one and the DUK sponsored one regularly ;)

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

as do I, well daily basis is more accurate...

nice to see u......

Judith23 DAFNE Graduate
North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust
7 posts

I have injected in my seat at a game and never had any problems whatsoever - Just Do It!

Mark Duncan DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
4 posts

I would just do what ever it is you usually do. I personally would just take it where I was sitting or standing. Everybody is different about taking an injection.

If I was eating a pie off the floor of a honkin toilet I would probably be more worried about catching something but am sure it would be safe to take your pen out and jag up for the 30 secs it takes without catching anything in even the most fly infested bog.

I think you are over analizing it a bit. Like Judith said "just do it" if anyone gives you a funny look just smile.

LizB DAFNE Graduate
South East Kent PCT
23 posts

Hi - another idea for you to choose from...

I've only gone to football with my husband but if you go with a friend you could brief them so you could do what I do, which is simply turn slightly toward my husband as I'm talking to him or peering at the programme and do the injection in the side of my stomach nearest him. That way most views are blocked and no-one will even notice.

If you clock somone has spotted you make eye contact, smile and continue as if there's nothing unusual happening. If they do say anything, just graciously tell them what you're doing and why - most people don't say anything.

Good luck and enjoy the games.

Nat DAFNE Graduate
Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
30 posts

When I went on my first holiday after being diagnosed, I was dragged out of the ladies toilets in Gatwick airport by a very mortified lady who screamed that "all you sick and sad people ought to think twice before inflicting such dirty drug use on yourself in front of others". I burst into tears and ran into the arms of my husband mortified that someone could speak to me like that. After having to justify myself to the security guards and every other person that I was diabetic and thought that would be the best place the lady in question walked away very red faced. I later found her chain smoking (as you could then smoke in the airport) for the whole of our delay until my husband pointed out to her that at least I wasn't trying to kill everyone else in the process. I have never since that day hidden away anywhere or from anyone. But I am sure football grounds have many thousands of people in the stadium all having to inject.

Northumbria Healthcare Trust
13 posts

Been a season ticket holder for all my diabetic life (7 years). Always just injected in my seat. Never had trouble getting into ground. Just do it man!

However I find football days difficult to control, so often do more tests during these days due to alcohol, bad fast food, eccitement / stress at the footy. .......Im a newcastle fan. Liz B's advice above is spot on and definaltey the ethos to have.