
11 posts, 6 contributors

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Athena DAFNE Graduate
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
52 posts

HI Claire and MArke,

You are right MArke, it would appear that everyone is different. I assumed that everyone was the same as I was and that the healthcare professionals knew that when anyone was high they struggled with going to work and everyday activities. It would appear that maybe they don't know this and we maybe need to tell them.
I didn't realise that you and I are different Claire, but that is something that I have learned from this site.
Wish I knew what makes the difference. I always ran my bg's low before DAFNE as I couldn't cope with a high bg at all. Suppose it is a good thing in a way as it stopped you aaveing sneaky treats or anything as just not worth it. I am aware of people feeling fine running their sugars really high too so yeah, everyone's body responds differently.
Glad you have got your bg's settled Claire and hope that you continue to feel better.
Another two people on my course ended up really ill after a couple of months of the DAFNE high bg's too and I think at leaset one of tehm had no tolerance for high bg's feeling tired at 12 which is when I really start to feel bad too.
thanks to you both.