loosing the plot!

6 posts, 5 contributors

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North Cheshire Hospital Trust
11 posts
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i have totally lost the plot with my sugar atm, it seems to be ignoring what i do and rising and falling of its own accord. going back to uni in a month and could really do with getting it back under control

Simon Site Administrator
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
578 posts

Hi tsavage - first of all I've moved this topic to the General forum, as you'll get more exposure there.

Secondly, if you take a look at the forums there is a lot of mention of the 'Dawn Phenomenon', which you may be experiencing on 11/09 where your blood sugars are massively high. What was the 0.5CP at 01:55? Did you take any background insulin then as well? You don't seem to be recording when you take that - it may be that you need to up your dose of that if you are high in the morning.

Thirdly - the no symptoms of a hypo before 1.8 mmol/l is a bit of a worry - you should really speak to your DAFNE Educators/Specialist Nurses to help you get back your warning signs as they should be appearing before 1.8 mmol/l

Fourthly - you don't mention how long you have been diabetic - is it possible that you are still honeymooning? It's a lot more difficult to predict BG trends if you are in the honeymoon phase.

Sorry I can't give you a more definite answer - others may be able to based on their own experiences, however there are so many variables with diabetes - for me it just tends to be trial and error.


North Cheshire Hospital Trust
11 posts

ah damn, i did forget my BI - its 20 units detemir every night at half 9.

and ive been diabetic for about 17 years so i hope im not honeymooning.

the half carb point was a small sweet i knew the value of as i didnt feel safe going to bed at 5 due to frequent debillitating hypos in the nights in the past. my nurse knows of my hypounawreness, which is which i was put on dafne to give me (hopefully) more regularity

HelenP DAFNE Graduate
Queensland Diabetes Centre, Brisbane, QLD
218 posts

Hi tsavage,

When my BG's take off with a mind of their own I find it useful to go right back to first principles for a couple of days to a week. It is a bit boring but eating the same quantity of carbs (in effect the same meals) and doing similar amounts of activity and more tests usually gives me enough data to start fiddling with doses again. My diabetes seems to have periods where things run fairly smoothly and then for no reason (that I am aware of) they are off!. My TDD can vary over these periods by upto 15%. Good luck (especially with the hypo awareness).

Stew B DAFNE Graduate
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
125 posts

Hi tsavage!

Is this an accurate reflection of your diary, or have you just selected some entries for this post? We talk a lot about DAFNE principles, one of which is to test every time you inject / eat (with the possible exception of the occasional snack). Without complete and accurate entries we can't identify the patterns on which we should be basing our insulin doses (how can we know whether a pattern exists if we don't have all the information?). My DAFNE team really emphasised the need to record any scrap of information because of its potential to help our understanding of how our bodies are reacting to all of the different factors which can potentially affect BG levels.

So... if this is an accurate reflection of your lifestyle (this seems unlikely, and I'm trying to avoid making a crass comment about student lifestyles - sorry) and you didn't eat or inject during the day on Saturday then clearly there are some issues there which might help to explain what's going on.

However, it seems much more likely that you either haven't tested, haven't recorded, or haven't included in this selection, all of the other food/insulin related episodes over this period. For example, you were 13.8 at 00.43 on Sunday, took a correction and were 4.8 at breakfast - not a bad result really. However, you don't indicate whether or what you ate at breakfast and/or whether you injected. You don't record lunch on Sunday (maybe you didn't have any?), but the lack of information about breakfast (and possibly lunch if you had any) makes it impossible to know what might have contributed to the your hypo at 13.50.

Sorry, this is turning into a bit of a lecture (no pun intended). I just want to emphasise that the beauty of DAFNE is in its logic - but you need all of the information you can get in order to apply the principles. I know that my DAFNE team would tell me to make a concerted effort to record everything for a few days to try to fully understand what's going on.

Good luck!


novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

Cant really add to whats been said, but ask that you fire up the results again with the full diary completed......

I say that assuming you have actually eaten over the weekend, but you might not have.......

I suspect a problem with your basal (detemir) dose.......I think the dose and timing of this should be experimented on with the help of your team if you need it..........