Glucose Release Times

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novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

This question I suppose is for any dieticians out there.

Is it possible to work out how fast the glucose contained in food is released using the GI value.

This might help me to fine tune the times I take my insulin after eating. (Even though your told to take before)

I can always manage to hit my targets at meal times, if i behave, but in between times are always above target.

Ideally some kind of calculator that took all the different foods going to be eaten then spat out a rough time to inject...bla bla bla....

Silly ideas I know but it would be ideal for when I have my lunch (2 rolls, bag of crisps, youghurt...etc), glucose is being released after the insulin has peaked....

I crave perfection, one of the side effects of DAFNE....