Frozen Insulin

3 posts, 2 contributors

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Paul F
University College Hospital, Galway
2 posts

I store my insulin in the fridge, but the temperature dial got turned up to max by mistake and everything froze. I didn't think to check my insulin, but I guess this froze too.

Anyway, I've been using this insulin for the last few days but it's not as effective at all. Looking at my readings over the last few days... they're nearly all high.

Did anyone else ever had the same experience?


maria51 DAFNE Graduate
Frankston Hospital (Peninsula Health), Victoria
22 posts

Go and get a new lot of insulin Paul ASAP as the insulin you're using now has become ineffective due to being too cold. Have a read of the instruction leaflet that's enclosed with the insulin to find the correct temp to store it. If it becomes frozen, it's no good.

All the best,

Paul F
University College Hospital, Galway
2 posts

Thanks for your advice Maria. I threw out the bad batch now.