HGV Licence and type 1

3 posts, 3 contributors

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Richard DAFNE Graduate
Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
2 posts

I became a type 1 diabetic about 3 years ago, therefore losing my HGV licence. At the time I found this very difficult to deal with as driving lorries was my living.
Personally I think it is very harsh for the DVLA to take my licence away as I control my BG levels very well and am always aware of when I am going low. However, I do understand some people do not have warning signs and driving 38 tonne of lorry would not be advisable!
My question is : Why can't the DVLA go on individual cases rather than a blanket ban? Also, I did hear that someone (pos Diabetes UK) were hoping to put a case together and put it to the DVLA. Is anyone else aware of this or no anything about it?

vic demain DAFNE Graduate
Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust
87 posts

Would guess that it probably has a lot to do with the insurance companies. Completely unfair in my opinion.

SimonC DAFNE Graduate
NHS Harrow
78 posts

Richard - it is a blow when this happens, I fought my employer for many years re a driving issue - not HGV or PSV, and pre the Disability Discrimination Act applied to them.

The insurance companies are not allowed to discriminate against Type 1 Diabetics, and in my experience they haven't - for the 20 years I have been diabetic. The licence issue is purely down to the DVLA - it a is large, cumbersome and unwieldy organisation, and it takes many years for it to change. One of the problems it has, is that when going on an individual case, there may be some - not you, who may be tempted to lie about their warning signs, having a pump that also measures sugar levels with an alarm may help to mitigate against this, but they are expensive.

The world, and treatments are changing - in the US you can fly a passenger 747 whilst being type 1, and now in the UK you can get a private pilots licence as type 1 - although you must always have a non diabetic PPL holder with you.

I read recently that the DVLA were considering to do away with its restrictions on type 1's as all the evidence - from insurance companies and police etc, was that type 1's were of no increased risk when compared to the rest of the population, although I will believe it when I see it.