Mobile apps, Sensors and medication

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Elisavet 2 posts

Hello everyone!
I am a type 1 diabetic for the past 32 years. After working in different industries I have decided to focus on research and I am currently doing my PhD in University of Portsmouth. I am currently recruiting participants for my study. The participation involves an one-off 30 minute telephone interview and a 5 minute online survey.
I am trying to find out how we can design hypertension or arrhythmia based mobile apps, websites and sensors like Freestyle Libre better, in order to take our medication better so as we can improve our health.
I am aware that I might be asking much but if you are interested in sharing your experiences with me and help me with my research I will be honored.

The study’s website is: and if you decide to participate, you need to fill in the form at:
My deepest appreciations.