Travel and diabetes

4 posts, 4 contributors

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Stanislava M... DAFNE Graduate
Heart of Birmingham PCT
1 post

Hi there
What is the best travel insurans for people with diabetes?

Pickledeeyore DAFNE Graduate
Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
1 post

I’ve used axa insurance and Aviva insurance for travel with diabetic. And have had no issues with the cost as they cover all my kit.

nonochocolate 2 posts

I recently came back from a Trip to Lisbon - I used they were pretty good tbf and was fairly simple to get set up.

Mehreen 1 post

People with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can travel all over the world. It is not a barrier in travelling. There are some major things like tablets, or some prescription from GP that you should have to do while packing your bags. I have done tour to Hunza valley 2019 last month with my family; my aunt is also a diabetic patient and she had a great trip without any travel insurance.