Bolus calculator?

3 posts, 3 contributors

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Alzibiff DAFNE Graduate
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust – North East Sector Hospitals
21 posts

Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere but does anybody know of an app/program available for smartphones - I used an iPhone - which will calculate bolus values for a given amount of CHO and BG value, (maybe taking into account active insulin too)? Needless to say, I am using an insulin pump and although it can do this for me already, it is not so convenient when I have the pump wedged into my sock rather than clipped to a belt Smile


p.s. Just found an app in the iTunes store called "Bolus Wizard" and have downloaded it. S'funny as when I did a search on iTunes using "Bolus" as the search term, it didn't show up - hence my post on the forum Embarassed Did a search for "Bolus Wizard" in Google and it pointed me to iTunes! Hey ho.

pps The reason I didn't find any apps when I first searched was because I was not searching on my iPhone - my search only showed up apps suitable for the device I was searching on so that explains that. Now .... I have found quite a few bolus calculators but most are not (in my view) very good either because they don't consider variables such as correction values and/or BG results or the units they use for BG are not mmol/l which I am familiar with. I am now trialling another one - cost £5.99 - to see how well this fits my requirements

Peter DUAG Committee Member
University College London Hospitals (UCLH)
109 posts

Alan, There are issues in writing an app based bolus calculator as NICE consider the result to be a medical device which then needs to go through their safety approval process. See the following thread for the impact on the dafenonline mobile app:

novorapidboi26 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
1,819 posts

If you need to actually get the pump in hand to confirm the bolus delivery does that not eliminate the need for another bolus calculator?

I am assuming your pump can receive your recent blood sugars wirelessly and then go from there.....

what pump are you on?