Strange Basal Insulin Question

2 posts, 2 contributors

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Phil Maskell DAFNE Graduate
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
194 posts


I have been trying low carb for the last 6 months, I have been having 8 units Levemir morning and night, with a trickle of Novorapid for the protein and carbs in fruit/veg.

I have noticed over the last month or so that I have needed to increase my basal insulin to 12/12 from 8/8 with no significant change in exercise (only dif is I no longer go outside on the bike, but use trainer indoors as weather is naff) or eating habits.

I am wondering if this is a hormonal thing, my body doing something expecting winter or something? Has anyone else noticed a need to increase basal in winter? Or is my insulin sensitivity going down? I still drop like a brick from too much Novorapid so I don't think so, unless its Levemir I am no longer sensitive to?

Any ideas? Increasing basal is not an issue, just got me wondering.


alturn DAFNE Graduate
NHS Grampian
78 posts

I've had similar changes, but in reverse. Reduced BI from 14/14 to 10/10 from July to September, and dinner ratio from 3:1 to 2:1. But recently had to increase BI to 11/11. I had often wondered if weather affected sensitivity. The only other thing I could think of was changing BI sites from thighs to buttocks and using larger injection areas.

So your not alone.