Dafne diary and melt down

6 posts, 5 contributors

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martine77 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
2 posts
[Shared diary only visible when logged in]

Hi I have had a bit of a melt down this week as been stressed with schools going back. I don't have a diary but phoned and left a message a week past Friday yo ask if one could be sent out but no response. I've skipped meals, tested blood on occasion but took insulin when eating. I'm hoping that's me back on track as don't want to feel rubbish anymore. Could someone please send me a diary out.
Thanks martine

sjohno DAFNE Graduate
University Hospital of Derby & Burton NHS FT
37 posts

So I don't mean to be rude but you rang your local DAFNE centre for a DAFNE BG Monitoring Diary? Are you able to pick it up from them?

You can make your own if you have Excel or you can use the DAFNE site 'My Blood Glucose Diary.

Failing that go to


where you can order DAFNE BG Monitoring Diaries in bulk. You do have to pay for these though.

Hope the above helps.

martine77 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
2 posts

Hi it's ok my diary came in the post today. I do use dafne online but prefer to write in diary.

dunkers7 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lanarkshire
24 posts

Hi Martine,

Sounds like it's sorted now but may also be worth having a look at the diarys from diabetes.co.uk for the future. Not quite as good for space as the DAFNE ones but if you have access to a printer you could print off a few sheets quickly:


alturn DAFNE Graduate
NHS Grampian
78 posts

You might get diaries from your meter supplier.

Stew B DAFNE Graduate
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
125 posts


I've posted before to say that you can get "official" DAFNE diaries via the DAFNE website: http://www.dafne.uk.com/dafneshop-64.html . 75p each.

Really good service too.
