My Weight Loss

6 posts, 3 contributors

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derekh1965 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lothian
90 posts

Hi All,
I'd like to tell you all about my weight loss journey.
I was one of those who believed low fat was the way to lose weight, and of course I lost nothing.
Over the years I got bigger because I was depressed and the only enjoyment was when I was eating sweet stuff.
I was 23 stones 4 years ago!!
I was with Tesco Diets for a year and managed to get down to 19 stones.
Went to my GP maybe 2 years ago to aSK about a gastric bypass due to my BMI being 42 and he wasn't interested, trying tol put me off with 10 year waiting list.
Asked my mother if she would pay for one, she's got savings.
That was asking too much.
I happened to come across a video on youtube by a guy called Dr. Jonny Boden who runs slimming clubs and was in a Q & A interview.
He was asked what he tells his clients about calories and said he advises them to eat the calories for the weight you want to be,because when you get down to your ideal weight these are going to be the calories you will be eating.

Due to my weight Tesco had me on 2200-2300 calories a day and 300g of carbs.
I wanted to be 12 stones, so 168lb, 1700 cals a day.
I lost 6 stones in 6 months with no effort and no exercise.
I am now 74-75kg and have been for the past 2 years. A 30"waist for the first time in probably 35 years.

Also what worked and still works for me was replacing pasta,rice,potatoes etc with Zero Noodles and Better Than Pasta (google them).

I hope this helps someone because I wish someone told me this years ago.
pics can be provided on request.

Best wishes to you all

AMcD DAFNE Graduate
University College Hospital, Galway
38 posts

Derek. Firstly well done. Your solution makes perfect sense. Only Eat what's needed. You must feel great. Andy

derekh1965 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lothian
90 posts

Hi Andy

I am amazed and still cannot believe how easy it was to lose all that weight without any effort.
I still felt I was eating a lot and felt sure I would gain weight but every week a loss was shown.
Put it this way I never dreamed I would fit into a 30" waist jeans, I was an usher at my friends wedding and I wore a 52" waist kilt.
I gained 6 kilos at Xmas and new year but was easy to lose now I know what to do.
But sadly I'm still single lol.

Off topic if anyone else is reading this and could recommend a good sugar substitute I would be much appreciated as feel the canderals etc are rubbish and need about 4 large teaspoons to taste a little bit sweet. Sainsburys do a concentrated one which is ok, I used to buy zsweet but can't find it anymore..

Have a good day, every day

Derek (50)

Susanf DAFNE Graduate
St Columcille's, Dublin
29 posts

Hi Derek,

That is fantastic - well done. I am currently in the situation you were 4 years ago due to insulin resistance. You mentioned that you had to eat 1200 cals a day - was there a recommended carb limit or was it just purely based on cal counting.

Again Very Well Done :-)

derekh1965 DAFNE Graduate
NHS Lothian
90 posts

Hi Susan,
thanks for your reply.
My weight started gaining when I was 19 and bought my first flat which was a l;icense to eat whatever I wanted because staying with the parents the mother was always "£what are you eating now ?" My first night in my new flat |IO boiught a tub of haggen daz ice cream and it was bliss to eat with nobody criticizing me. It was downhill from then.
I took it too far and got depressed about being single and hearing comments about how I'm too fat to have a girlfriend etc so I would buy salted peanuts and ice cream and get even fatter.
In the beginning I maybe went up to about 12 - 13 stones and that was too fat to find love.

Tried dieting loads of times but when \ lost hardly anything I would just think why bother,
what's the point?

Bit of a long winded reply that and I apologize for that, sounds like I need a counsellor to chat with lol.

In reply to your question it is definitely calorie counting and not carb counting.

Eat whatever you want as long as you stick to yoiur calories.
For calorie counting you take the weight in pounds you want to be and multiply this by 10 and this gives you your daily calories eg: 10 stones is 140 pounds so you would consume 1400 calories a day.

Have a lovely day and best wishes
|Derek (50 and single)

Susanf DAFNE Graduate
St Columcille's, Dublin
29 posts

Hi Derek,

Thanks for coming back. I will definitely give it a go Very Happy