
7 posts, 5 contributors

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anitas DAFNE Graduate
NHS Birmingham East and North
2 posts

Hi all, Wonder if anyone can help me >My dr and diabetes specialist nurse want be to go go an insulin pump I,ve got to go and have a look at the various types they have to offer in a couple of weeks Just wondering if anyone can offer any advise or tips to the ones they may be using themselves so I am in a better position to decide which make to have

Vickyp DAFNE Graduate
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
137 posts

I'm on the omnipod as its tube free. It was the best decision I made!

Peter DUAG Committee Member
University College London Hospitals (UCLH)
109 posts

I'd agree about the benefits of the Omnipod's tube free design and the flexibility that allows in where it is located. The problem is that it's not offered everywhere on the NHS. As with any device there are some cons (in particular the failure rate of the pods is higher than I'd expected) but overall with pros significantly outweigh that, certainly when compared to MDI and probably (although I have no personal experience) when compared to a non-patch pump.

Vickyp DAFNE Graduate
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
137 posts

I have had very few failures in the 22months I've been on the omnipod!

AMcD DAFNE Graduate
University College Hospital, Galway
38 posts

Just started on a pump after 25 years of MDIs. Using a medtronic mini med pump. Easy to use. Has a built in bolus wizard which picks up your BM from the meter that comes with the pump automatically. Input your carbs with a few easy clicks and it will apply preprogrammed ratios and BM targets and calculate corrections. Only on it 2 weeks but so far so good. Has good option also for reducing basal rate which is excellent if you have planned exercise. Very simple to use. Andy

Vickyp DAFNE Graduate
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
137 posts

The minimed works in similar way to omnipod with the bolus wizard and temp basal options. Think all pumps would do something similar. The Medtronic is what my consultant recommended as you can also get a cgm that works with it, but I chose the omnipod as it suited me better. Everyone I've spoken to on a pump (both patch and tubed) says they feel much better after going on a pump and more in control than on MDI.
Which pump to go for would be a personal choice and whether your area offer it.

Hightower DAFNE Graduate
St Columcille's, Dublin
8 posts

I have been using the Medtronic Paradigm Veo for the last 4 years and love it Very Happy